Homemade Pizza Dough

The Hendricks’ house has pizza almost every Friday. After 20 some years we’ve finally figured out the secret to the perfect dough..it’s homemade and really easy (tip: can be made ahead of time and frozen).  Print recipe here

2 tsp maple syrup
1 1/4 oz package of active dry yeast
2 cups all purpose flour
1 tsp salt
In a large bowl dissolve the yeast and maple syrup in 3/4 cup warm (100-110 degree F). This step is CRITICAL! The temperature of the water can make or break the activation of the yeast.  Use a thermometer if you can.  Let stand for 7-8 minutes, mixture will look frothy. IF your mixture does not get frothy, it’s honestly best to throw away and start over, you may have had old yeast or wrong temperature water - your dough will not rise properly if the yeast has not activated.

Add flour and salt to yeast mixture and stir until soft dough forms.  Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface. Knead until smooth and elastic, add more flour if the dough is too sticky.  (Tip: if you are going to freeze the dough do so at this point, put in a freezer safe ziploc and store for later use). Place dough in a large bowl coated with cooking spray (I prefer glass), cover with a towel or plastic and let rise in a room temperature, draft-free, space for 30-40 minutes.  I will sometimes put in front of the fire on in the oven on the ‘warm’ setting. (Tip: if you are working with frozen dough, let thaw and then follow rising directions once dough has thawed and is room temperature).

Punch down the dough and roll onto a lightly greased pizza pan.  Add your favorite sauce and toppings and bake at 475 for 10-12 minutes.  Perfect crust guaranteed every time!

Sauce suggestions:
Tomato Sauce (best Papa Murphy’s impression I could do)


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