Almond Pesto

This spread is great on...well just about everything.  I think we'd frost cupcakes with it if we could.  Traditional pesto as officially been thrown out the window here at the Hendricks house.  One batch of this lasts for multiple uses for us.  Our favorite, pizza sauce!

2 cups fresh (we prefer organic or home grown) basil
1 cup raw almonds
1 Tbsp Olive Tree Garlic Olive Oil
Juice of 1 medium lemon
1 tsp coarse Celtic sea salt
Water as needed

We found the food processor worked best but you can also try mixing ingredients in a high powered blender (Vitamix, Blendtec).  Add all ingredients except water and mix until a paste is formed.  Add 1 Tbsp of water at a time to get the consistency you desire.

Recipe courtesy of The Plant Power Way by Rich Roll


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