Cashew Sour Cream

The Best "Creamless" Sour Cream print recipe

This was probably one of our first very favorite vegan "wins" because it looks like sour cream, smells like sour cream, feels like sour cream and the best part...tastes BETTER than sour cream!  WIN WIN WIN!

Other amazing wins: it lasts so much longer in your fridge as a non-dairy product, its so easy you'll shock yourself, a single batch makes the same as a sour cream container at the store, probably costs about the same and you won't have to throw half of it away because it spoiled. It's also delicious on EVERYTHING!

  • 1 cup raw organic cashews
  • 2 Tbsp apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tsp lemon juice (fresh is best)
  • 1/8 tsp salt
  • 1/4-1/2 cup filtered water
The hardest part about this recipe is being prepared.  Soak cashews at least 4 hours, we typically do them over night.  In a pinch you can soak them in boiling water for 30-60 minutes, but I always feel like I get a creamier consistency if they soaked longer.

Drain cashews and put in a high speed/powered blender.  Add remaining ingredients; start with 1/4 cup water.  Mix until smooth and creamy on high speed.  You can slowly add more water to get your desired consistency.  We almost always use 1/2 cup water because we like it a little thinner so it can come out of a squeeze bottle easier.  You may need to add a touch more vinegar or lemon to get your desired "sour cream" taste.


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