Raw Sweet Potato & Granny Smith Salad

Who knew raw sweet potatoes were edible, and delicious!?

2 medium sweet potatoes
1 Granny Smith apple
1/4 raisins (golden if you have them)
1/4 dried cherries
1/4 cup sliced almonds
Toasted or raw sesame seeds

Dressing:  1/4 rice wine vinegar, 2 Tbsp pure maple syrup, 1/2 tsp sea salt, fresh ground pepper.

Peel sweet potatoes and cut into matchstick shape using a mandolin or by hand.  Leave the skin on the apple and cut in matchstick shape as well.  Toss potato and apple with remaining ingredients.  When ready to serve add dressing and toss, sprinkle with sliced almonds (you can use any nuts) and toasted sesame seeds.


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