Cajun Red Pepper Couscous

1 Tbsp Cajun Seasoning
1 Tbsp olive oil
2 red bell peppers, thinly sliced (or any color you prefer)
1 onion, thinly sliced
2 cups sliced mushrooms
2 medium diced tomato
1 c white wine
1 1/2 c veggie stock
1 Tbsp arrowroot flour
1/2 c unsweetened alternative milk
1 Tbsp garlic seasoning
Pearl couscous (garlic flavor if available)

Prepare pearl couscous per package while completing the rest of the recipe.

  • Heat tablespoon of oil in a pan on medium-high heat.  Once heated, add mushrooms, peppers and onion.  Sprinkle on 1 Tbsp of cajun seasoning.  Cook over high heat until veggies are tender.  
  • Turn heat to medium-low and add tomatoes, cook for an additional 30 seconds.  
  • Turn the pan back to high heat, pour in the wine and veggie stock.  Cook on high for 3-5 minutes, stirring regularly.  Pull out a little of the juice to mix with arrowroot powder and put mixture back into pan; this is to help thicken the sauce. 
  • Reduce heat to med-low and pour in milk, stirring constantly.  Add the garlic seasoning.  Cook over med-low heat for a few minutes, until it starts to thicken the mixture.  
  • Plate couscous, top with veggie mixture. Sauce will thicken as it sits.
Great dish or leftovers.



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