Super Food Energy Bars

3 cups almonds
3/4 cup pumpkin seeds
1 1/3 cup sunflower seeds
2/3 cup cacao nibs
3/4 cup sesame seeds
1 heaping cup coconut flakes
2/3 cup goji berries
3/4 cup hempseed
1/2 cup ground flax
1 1/4 tsp salt
1 vanilla bean (scrape the insides)
3/4 cup agave nectar or raw honey (I used raw honey)
3/4 cup cacao butter
3/4 cup almond butter

1 package cacao chips

Lightly process almonds until about 1/4 of them are are still mostly whole. Melt the cacao butter, add the scraped insides of vanilla bean, honey & almond butter - mix well, set aside.

Combine all dry ingredients in a bowl and mix well.  Add liquid ingredients mix well.  Remove 3 cups of the mixture and process in food processor until until mostly broken down, a very thick paste type texture.  Add this paste back into the bowl and mix all until well incorporated.

Line a 9x13 pan with waxed paper and spread mixture evenly across pan.  Use the back side of a rounded spatula or spoon to make sure it is as even as possible, pack firmly.  Place in fridge or freezer for about 30 minutes until mixture is solid - I usually do an hour.  Bar should pop right out of pan pulling on the wax paper. Using a sharp knife cut into squares, rectangles, triangles, whatever you want.  It will make at least 24 large pieces or a lot more if you cut them smaller.

Dip 1/2" of bar in melted cacao chips. Place the bar chocolate side up back on the cookie sheet.  They will be ready in about 10 minutes. The bars will stay fresh for several weeks when kept in the fridge or freezer.

We found all of our ingredients at Natural Grocers, but you could probably find them at Whole Foods if you don't have a Natural Grocers in your town.


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