Quinoa Power Bowl

Quinoa Power Bowl

1 cup quinoa
1 bunch kale
1 Tbsp olive oil
1 medium lime
1/2 tsp salt

Sweet potatoes
2 medium sweet potatoes, cut into bite-sized pieces
2 Tbsp olive oil - we prefer a spicy olive oil
2 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp smoked paprika
1 1/2 tsp salt

Avocado sauce
2 avocados
2 limes
2 Tbsp olive oil
1 medium jalapeƱo (optional)
1 handful cilantro leaves (or 1 drop cilantro essential oil)
1/2 tsp ground coriander
Salt to taste

Black beans (see recipe for pinto beans or used canned)
1/4 pepitas (see recipe or use plain)

  1. Cook the quinoa according to package, I prefer cooking in vegetable broth or adding a pinch of salt to give it some flavor. 
  2. De-stem the kale, tear into bite-sized pieces. *we have used lettuce before if we didn't have kale and the dish was still delicious.
  3. Massage kale with salt to remove the bitter flavor.  Combine kale & quinoa with remaining salad ingredients.  Set aside for base of salad.
  4. Cut sweet potatoes in 1/4" sized pieces.  Toss with remaining ingredients.  Bake 400 for 40 minutes.  This is a great step to do ahead of time.
  5. For avocado sauce put all ingredients in a food processor or blender.  May need to add a little water to help with consistency, but be careful not to add too much.
  6. Build your bowl with as much or little of each ingredient you choose.  For presentation the bowl looks nice sprinkled with a little feta cheese - which you can now buy a vegan version.
This is a great option to use leftover beans, potatoes, quinoa, etc.  If I ever find these ingredients in my fridge and wondering what to do - I break out the power bowl.  The real secret ingredient in this recipe is the avocado sauce, the the other ingredients could be just about anything you have extra in your fridge.


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